Following our dedication (and preference) to open source, Open Lab Athens decided to create a page on GitHub.

We already uploaded the codebase for three of our projects.

  • The source code for Box of Expression (follow this link to see the website).
  • The code for a coop box api. An infrastructure which supports the blockchain system created for the pilot actions in Athens for the CO3 project.
  • The source code for a Machine Learning pipeline which can be used in order to classify newspaper articles written in Greek and refer to Femicides. This project was inspired by the work of D’Ignazio, Catherine, et al. (see related paper here). 

Through this action we aim at producing more systems in the future and making our work accessible to an audience of developers who work (or are interested) in social innovation and want to leverage the powers of Machine Learning, Web development and Data Science for social good. Stay tuned!