methodology | co-design | service design | problem solving

The Co-Design Square is a process of collective reflection and planning for communities, in order to analyze current conditions or problems and think creatively about future actions or strategies. The process is structured around a simple geometric puzzle like tangram which represents the main theme or challenge we want to analyze and address in the workshop. Each piece of the puzzle symbolizes an aspect of the overall challenge defined by the users and it is referenced to a specific canvas in order to analyze in depth the related parameters and think creatively for possible solutions.

In the photos bellow the overall process was adapted according to the data collection and analysis of specific needs and requirements of Energy Communities (EC), by defining as a the main challenge the concept of sustainability of EC. The main focus was on how we could translate and integrate, in an efficient way, additional processes of an EC into a digital platform developed by Sociality Coop. Nonetheless, the kit also gives the opportunity to the participants to gain a holistic view and a deeper understanding over groups of problems relating to the sustainability of an EC and ideally reveal new potentials. The concept of sustainability was divided into 7 pieces which are capable of describing it in detail as 7 subcategories of our problem. For the purpose of ECs the 7 subcategories are: Funding and loans, Internal organization, Legal Compliance, Diffusion, Network, Direct democracy and Prioritization.